The Closing Ceremony is a complex recovery treatment, which includes a lot of body care, and psychological and plant (herbs&cacao) treatments.
This ritual can be done for ANYONE who is going through an important transition in life, regardless of gender, age and religion. It helps to close one life cycle and enter another: giving birth, changing life values, moving to a different country, loss of someone, menopause, etc.
In many traditions, it has been held for a woman after giving birth to honour a new period of life, bring back heat to the body and celebrate the Mother.
These ceremonies last 5-7 hours and usually take place at your home. It includes:
- a warming drink made from water, cocoa and spices
- time to process your story
- making mandala from herbs
- rebozo massage
- cleansing ritual in bath with herbs
- body oiling
- pravki (an old slavik technique of abdominal massage)
- swaddling, cocoon wrapping and putting 7 locks down and then up on the body with the help of garment.
During this ritual, a person receives a lot of care, love, and warmth — and vitality is returning back. The ceremony often gives the feeling of being reborn.

When and where?
For mothers: ideally, it should be done within the 9th to 40th day, but it could be done any time after, even years.
For everyone else: whenever you feel the call and have an inner request for it.
I may come to another city or country to conduct this ceremony. Contact me for details.