Through the body

Hi, my name is Aya. I am a Berlin and Prague based touch therapist. I offer different treatments and practices that we can adapt to your personal request for wellbeing.

In my treatments I combine ancient traditions, energy work and modern anatomy.

My approach is always grounded in a deep respect for the body, mind, and spirit and their connection. And the core reason for all my services is to attain the integrity of each human being.

Closing ceremony “Swaddling”

The closing ceremony is a complex recovery treatment, which includes a lot of a lot of body care, psychological support and plant treatments (herbs&cacao).

This ritual can be done for ANYONE (regardless of gender, age and religion) who is going/went through an important transition period in life. It helps to close one life cycle and enter another (changing life values, moving to a different country, loss of smth or someone, giving a birth, menopausa, etc.).

The ceremony often gives the feeling of being reborn.

€500/5-7 hours

Individual treatment

The client can be guided through many other practices not even represented on the website (e.g., breathwork, movement practices, essential oils, practice from Great North traditions.etc.)

The format of individual treatment allows to assemble a unique plan for working with the personal history. We’ll put together a customised session, all the variety of practices mixed and tailored to harmonise the client’s condition.

€100/1 hour
€500/full day

Massage therapy

Different types of massage and individual mix of various techniques: classic, deep tissue, breuss massage, hawaiian lomi-lomi, essential therapy…

Keywords for my massage style: attentive and filled with love.

All the techniques I do:

Practice of standing on the bed of nails

An ancient Indian Yogic practice that works on both the physical and energetical bodies.

  • Restarting of the nerveous system, strenythening health and immunity through reflexology.
  • Cleansing and releasing of blocks, strong energy boost.
  • Powerful training of mental resilience: to go beyond the first physical reactions to deep energy work.
  • Simultaneous relaxation and toning of the body, restoring the natural balance of internal organs.

€140/~ 2 hours

Trauma support

Some people need special approach during the treatments, and this is normal.

Trauma support session takes place on an equal footing with the client, it is a dialogue in which new patterns of behaviour and reactions are born. At any moment client has the right to stop the session or to pause in it, we move at a pace that is comfortable for them.

The work will be especially effective if the client is in therapy in parallel to our sessions (but this is not a prerequisite).

In a safe space we learn to stabilise and self-regulate.

Two versions of sessions:

Tea session

Full immersion for several hours in the world of tastes, smells and sensations.

High quality Chinese tea from wild trees of the province Yunnan brings a beneficial effect on the digestive and nervous system. Slowing down and focusing your attention inward can offer a new experience to the psyche.

Price, duration and number of participants to be negotiated individually.

CranioSacral therapy in water

Craniosacral therapy is a form of osteopathic therapy. It is suitable for the treatments of neck pain, migraines, central nervous system disorders etc.

The session takes place in a warm pool (36°–37°C), providing a positive effect that helps to improve health and function in the body.

Education and certificates

I am constantly developing and learning new techniques.

A list of all certificates here