Standing on nails is an ancient Indian practice, during which the work is happening at the physical and energetical levels.
Physical level
There are many nerve endings and points on the feet associated with all organs of the body. By acting on them, we stimulate and maintain balance and the general wellbeing of internal organs and the body as a whole.
The body relaxes and at the same time acquires a tone.
Health and immunity are strengthened. Nails relieve nervous stress, fatigue and psycho-emotional arousal. The metabolic process is accelerated. This is a powerful burst of energy.
Energetical level
Nails provide a powerful cleansing effect.
During practice, a lot of fire energy is awakened, which moves up the channels from the feet to the crown, removing blocks and clamps.
Consciousness expands and energy is released, which can be sent to different areas of your life.

How does it go
The process of standing itself is similar to immersion in ice water. Breathing goes astray and it’s hard for a person to concentrate. The brain sends out signals of danger and threat to life.
So the first reaction is to run away, get off the board. This is normal.
Therefore, a guide is needed – the person who accompanies the process and directs the practitioner’s attention.
It is important to restore breathing and circulate the energy, open blocked channels and remove clips. Only then a person will be able to feel a strong expansion, calmness and come in touch with the depth.

Who will benefit from this practice? Everyone who goes for it consciously.
Why should I stand on the nails? To resolve the problem that you came with. From restoring sleep to cleansing energy channels. Each person defines a request for themselves.
Does it hurt? Yes and no. Pain is related to tension. The more a person resists, the more painful the process will be. The more relaxation and non-clinging you can bring in, the easier and easier it will be to stand.
What are the contraindications?
- epilepsy
- pregnancy
- heart failure
- people with strokes / heart attacks suffered less than six • months before the practice
- open wounds on the feet
Can children stand? Yes, they can, but only at such an age when the child understands and realizes that he might feel pain and this he is going to need to overcome it.